Five tips that can help you get the best results out of your exercise routine

Controlling what you eat and following a daily exercise routine are two of the most important aspects when it comes to losing weight. Unfortunately, this does not prove to be enough at times and the concerned person needs to take additional steps in order to reduce the excess fat.

Start lifting weights
If you are looking forward to not just effectively lose weight, but to also build lean muscle, you should consider combining weight lifting and cardio exercises. Give sufficient time to weight lifting as well as cardio exercises like running, cycling or jogging on a daily basis. This way, you can burn fat and work on muscle toning as well.
Need to put more efforts
‘Trial and error’ is important in exercise, as well as diet. You need to settle on whatever suits your body. Spending several hours at the gym does not mean your body would come back in the right shape. In fact, spending more than one hour at the gym and performing workouts that do not help, might not prove to be beneficial according to experts.
Trainers suggest individuals to work hard instead of performing a workout for longer number of hours. Opt for intensity-dependent workouts.
Give your body the required time recover
Focus on a different muscle group each day. Establish your workout routine in such a way that your body gets rest and time to recover from the effects of workout. If you spend one entire day on workout, keep the next day for stretching or simple cardio exercises. Take rest if required.
Remember, rest and recovery time are as important as the workout. Fat burning process is performed by the body even during the rest period. Thus, it is important to listen to your body and avoid pushing it to its limit.
Perhaps, someone like Personal Trainer Downtown Toronto would be able to guide you in selecting appropriate exercises for your body.
Stress can actually increase body weight
As mentioned earlier, individual needs to make sure that there is a balance between exercise and rest while working on reducing weight and muscle building. If one fails to give enough time to recover, the body may trigger production of a hormone called cortisol. This hormone is important as it supplies energy to muscles. However, when it is in excess, it can trigger negative effects like development of excess fat in certain areas. Body stops producing cortisol when you stop performing exercises.
Mental health needs to be in place
It’s no rocket science that stress can prove to be one of the main reasons behind weight gain. It can boost the hunger by influencing person’s appetite.
University of Maryland’s professor Pamela Peeke recently shared her opinion on this matter. She pointed out that body starts thinking that it needs more calories to deal with stress, and thus, it triggers appetite.
People focus on their physical health, but most of them end up ignoring mental health and stress. Both these factors need to be in place if you wish to reduce weight.