Cheat Codes for Age of Civilizations II

Cheat Codes for Age of Civilizations II
To enter the secret code, first go to the country page and type “hi” in the “Type a Message” box.
- addciv [tag of country]: Adds culture in the chosen area.
- addplayer: Adds a new player in the country that was chosen.
- army: +300 fighters in the army.
- money: +450 dollars.
- population : Adds people to the province you choose.
- civs: shows tags for every country.
- diplomacy – +0.7 moving point.
- scale + value: Changes the size of the map (1–5) fps: Shows an FPS number war + ID1 + ID2: Starts a war between two civilizations
- peace + ID1 + ID2 = make peace between two warring countries
- buildport allows you to build a port in a certain region.
- buildfort lets you put up a fort in a certain region.
- buildtower lets you build a tower in a certain region.
- civs shows IDs and tags for each culture.
- civ shows the ID and TAG of the chosen civilization (the picked region that is part of a civilization).
- province – Gives facts about the chosen state
- showids – Shows the IDs of the areas on them. (It’s kind of like showing an army, but the area ID is shown instead.)
Console Instructions
Try putting a value after the ones that don’t work. Also, please don’t use a tool for the first time in a game you’ve been playing for a long time. Take a new angle to look at it.
To enter the games, press F1 and then type hi or hello in the box above where you can write.
“/” stands for “OR,” not “command.” Includes a”/”
- info – Gives you details about the game, such as your frame rate (fps) and your image options.
- debug – starts debug mode
- center: Puts the camera in the middle of the map.
- centerciv + ID: The camera is centered on the civ with the given ID. (I haven’t tried this.)
- scale + value: Changes the map’s size (numbers range from 1 to 5).
- close/bye: shuts down the computer
- fps: shows the FPS counter
- hello/hello again Hello!
- spin—Turns the camera around for a few seconds. help—Shows a few directions.
- party/flags: shows every flag on screen; can be stacked; stops if you close the console or type close or bye clear: clears the console.
- Drew Durnil, drew durnil, drewdurnil, drew, drew durnil, drew, drew durnil, drew, drew durnil, drew durnil, drew, drew durnil, d “Games->New Game->Options->Spectator Mode” is returned.
- civs shows IDs and tags for each culture.
- civ shows the ID and TAG of the chosen civilization (the picked region that is part of a civilization).
- province – Gives details about the chosen province
- showids – Shows the IDs of the areas on them. (It’s kind of like showing an army, but the area ID is shown instead.)
- showarmy: I don’t know, and I can’t tell what it does even after trying it.
- addplayer: Adds a new player to the chosen area (I haven’t tried this).
- addciv + name? – I can’t figure out how this works, so if anyone wants to try, I’ll leave the code in a different area. I’ve been able to figure out that you can add a culture to a certain region.
- technology + value: gives the selected civilisation more technology; 1000 means give them 1.0; population: boosts the selected civilization’s population by 750; armyset/setarmy + value: alters the army in the selected province to the specified quantity; take notice that the army is CHANGED, not increased;
- I haven’t tried it, but I bet it would make a vassal not want freedom.
- id: Gives the ID of the culture and the province chosen
- war + ID1 + ID2 = start a war between two civilizations
- Sign a peace treaty between two civilizations at conflict using peace + ID1 + ID2.
- buildport – build a port in a chosen province
- buildfort allows you to build a fort in a certain region.
- buildtower: Builds a tower in a chosen province economy: Gives the chosen province 600 gold
- army: Gives the chosen province 300 soldiers
- cash – adds 450 Moving money earns you movement points.
- diplomacy – gives diplomacy points
- reloadprovince + ID: Reloads a province (I think this is more for testing)
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