Begin your locs with a two-strand twist.

Starting locs using the two strand twist technique is a common approach to get your locs started.
If you wish to preserve your two strand twists as locs, understand that they are not the same as temporary twist styles. If you make a two-strand twist for the sake of fashion, they will eventually come undone. You may create your two strand twists in one of three methods. To keep locs, twisting must be done in the correct (as in constant) direction. The conventional twisting motion is clockwise. Counterclockwise will still function; nevertheless, 99% of those who twist do it clockwise. When it’s time to retwist, you won’t have to recall which way you twisted.
Understand This Before You Begin
If you want locs, two strand twisting takes a lot of patience. Especially when compared to other procedures, since it will seem to be two strand twists for an extremely long period. The twist will leave grooves in your hair. That is entirely normal. It might take years for the groove to go entirely.
Some folks may need to retwist the ends after washing to keep them from unraveling. And, for some, this is a disadvantage. One advantage is that you will seem to have a style until the locs develop and the grooves disappear. This is a significant plus for many people. Again, if locs are your ultimate aim, this procedure requires a large number of patients in order for the locs to resemble locs, which is not the case when establishing locs using comb coils or other techniques.
We’ve gotten it off our chests. Now, for the method!
Step 1:
Shampoo and cleanse your scalp and hair. You should begin your two-strand twist on clean, fresh hair.
Step 2:
To each part, apply your preferred leave-in conditioner and Yaya oil. We suggest applying the locking spray on finer textured hair. Then, starting at the roots, divide the piece of hair you wish to twist into two equal halves. This is where you may customize the size of your twists according on your preferences and taste. We do suggest thinking about the size you want; they tend to thicken up with time, but that depends on your hair thickness and kind.
Step 3:
Each strand should be held individually between the pointer and thumb of each hand.
Step 4:
Tug the hair downward (securely but not violently) and then cross one strand over the other while maintaining tension between the hair and scalp. Reach for the in-coming strand (clockwise) between your middle finger and the top of your pointer finger with the hand that stays in position.
Step 5:
Maintain the tension by alternating the strand that hasn’t moved yet from your pointer finger and thumb to the other hand that is moving and catching it between your pointer finger and thumb.
Step 6:
Transfer the first moving strand from between your middle and pointer fingers to between your pointer and thumb.
Step 7:
Alternate one strand over the other and continue the procedure until you’ve used up all of your hair strands.
Always keep moving in the same direction. Clockwise is preferable so that you always know when it’s time to retwist. If you like the appearance, coil any extra hair at the ends.
When you’ve completed all of the hair portions, you’re ready to go! You’ve created two-strand twists that can grow into stunning mature locs over time!
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