4 Helpful Winter Lawn Maintenance and Care Tips

Many of us have gotten lazy about taking care of our lawns during winter. There doesn’t seem to be any point–the grass is dormant and can’t be seen, after all.
While regular spring and summer lawn maintenance can be consistent, winter lawn maintenance isn’t a topic that’s top of mind for many homeowners. The truth is that snow, rain, and frost can take a big toll on your lawn, especially if you don’t know what to do to protect it.
We want to help you keep your beautiful lawn looking great all year long and have healthy grass. So here are our helpful tips for winter lawn maintenance and care. Keep reading for everything you need to know.
1. Continue to Mow Your Lawn
Most people think that once the weather starts to cool down, they can stop mowing their lawns. But, grass continues to grow throughout the winter months, albeit more slowly. To keep your lawn looking its best, continue to mow it regularly.
Set the blade of your mower a little higher than usual to avoid scalping. This may seem counterintuitive, but it will help your lawn stay healthy and look its best. Keeping the blade at a higher setting will help prevent your grass from becoming too weak and yellow.
2. Rake up Any Leaves That Fall on Your Lawn
As the weather starts to cool down and the leaves start to fall, it’s important to keep up with your lawn maintenance. Rake up any leaves that fall on your lawn and dispose of them properly.
If you let them sit, they can kill the grass underneath. Keep the leaves off of your lawn and it will stay healthy and green all winter long.
This will also help to prevent mold and mildew from growing on your lawn. Additionally, Keep your lawn watered during winter to prevent your grass from dying.
3. Shovel Your Sidewalks and Driveways
Another crucial winter lawn maintenance tip is to make sure you shovel your sidewalks and driveways as soon as the snow falls. This will prevent the snow from turning into ice and make it difficult to walk on or drive over. If you have a lot of snow, you may need to use a snow blower to clear your path.
4. Apply a Layer of Mulch to Your Flower Beds
One of the most important lawn care tips you can follow for your flower beds in the winter is to apply a layer of mulch. This will protect the roots of your plants from the cold and will also help to keep the soil moist. You should also make sure that you keep the foliage of your plants trimmed back so that they don’t get damaged by the cold weather.
There are a lot of lawn care services that could help you maintain your lawn during winter. Seek their expertise from RDS Lawn Care.
Follow These Lawn Maintenance Tips
Done properly, winter lawn care is not difficult and can actually be enjoyable. By following these lawn maintenance tips above, you can create a beautiful lawn that will be the envy of the neighborhood.
So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start caring for your lawn today!
Are you looking for more ways to maintain your yard so it will look pristine and beautiful year-round? Check out our blog for more tips today!